
Oregon Chapter
8th Air Force
Historical Society

Preserving the history of the Mighty 8th


Quarterly Meeting Information

The Next Meeting

Saturday February 11, 2024

Meetings Are Free. Meetings are open to everyone. There is no cost to attend. You do not have to be a member in order to attend a meeting.

Doors open at 10:00 A.M.

A luncheon sandwich bar is available for $16

Meeting Presentation
"Beauty and Duty."

Uniforms with Alice MillerOur featured speaker this month will be the annual return of Alice Miller.

Alice is a collector of historical women’s service uniforms ranging from WAC service to nurses and medic uniforms to air service uniforms, which she brings to display in illustration of her presentation.

The theme of this year’s presentation will be "Beauty and Duty." It is another installment in her series on women in aviation and the military.

She will have interesting biographies and the uniforms to go with them.

This is our traditional Ladies Day Meeting, so Ladies please come and celebrate with us. Guys, please bring your significant others, as we want to welcome and honor all the ladies. Don't forget to bring the young ladies aspiring to the military or aviation.

You'll be sorry if you miss this one, we hope to see you all there!


Meeting Location

Previous Meeting Presentations

August 8, 2023

November 11, 2023

Get involved, Join the Mighty 8th!

This non-profit organization is a great way to learn about the 8th Air Force in its role in defeating Germany during World War II.

People interested in learning more about the 8thAF, or to pass on what they know to others concerning the 8th AF contribution and other aviation unit histories that brought victory to the Allies in the European theatre of war (ETO) or other combat theaters, are encouraged to join the Oregon Chapter. Please fill out a membership form at the meeting.

The Oregon Chapter annual dues are $15. In addition, you can join the national organization whose dues are $60. The Oregon chapter publishes the quarterly newsletter "Flight Lines."

There are now only 10 members who flew combat missions during WW II. As an Air combat Veteran's Association we have members from the 15th, 10th, 12th, 8th, and 5th Air Forces, and members who flew combat in the Navy, Marines, and Air Force from WW II, Korea, thru Vietnam.

To join the Oregon Chapter fill out the application form and present it to the treasurer. The form can also be picked up at the meeting.

THE OREGON CHAPTER OF THE EIGHTH AIR FORCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. is a registered nonprofit corporation in the State Of Oregon license number 319961-84 since 1992.

The Oregon Chapter, Eighth Air Force Historical Society Inc. is an IRS 501(c)3 charitable non-profit corporation.

This website is copyright © 2023 by the Oregon Chapter of the Eighth Air Force Historical Society. All copyrighted material found on this website is owned and controlled by the respective copyright owners.